Sunday, March 4, 2012

Shakespeare’s Life ~In Bullet points~

Early Life
-Exact date of birth unknown
-Birthday is believed to be April 23 because it was customary to be baptized 3 days after birth
-Baptized at Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, on April 26 1564
-Born during the Bubonic plague
-Father was a glove maker O___o
-Received a Latin Education (classical education)
-Studied a large amount of poets in school
-Entered into a hastily arranged marriage instead of attending college
-Details of marriage:

- Married 1582

-Wife: Anne Hathway (she was 26 and William was 18)

- 6 months after marriage Susanna was born (Shakespeare’s daughter)

-Family life:

-(again) May 1583 Susanna was born

-1585 Shakespeare’s twins were born Hamnet(son) and Judith(daughter)

- August 11 1596 Hamnet dies at age 11 of unknown cause

- June 5 1607 Susanna marries Dr. John Hall

-1608 Shakespeare’s first granddaughter Elisabeth was born

-Judith had a hard life with many difficulties regarding children and husband

-He was a poet and made 154 sonnets
-He was an actor
-He was a playwright ~gasp~
-Theaters were closed a few times dew to plague
-1599 Globe Theater built!!!!! :)
-1613 Globe Theater burns to the ground by tragic fire :(

~~~Shakespeare dies in April 1616 at the age of 52 :(

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