Modern Japan: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism,
Sake (Rice "Wine") by Stephen R. Smith
- Sake - Alcoholic beverage made from rice. It is a generic term for alcoholic beverages in Japan.
- It is a symbol of social life in modern Japan.
- It is considered to be Japan's national beverage.
- It is considered as a Shinto Sacrament.
- It is often used as an offering to the kami spirits.
- It is believed to be able to purify the profane.
- The proof that Sake is highly praised in Japan is in the names they have for it.
- Nihonsu - Japanese Liquor
- Osake - Honorable Liquor
- Both of these terms are used for Sake in Japan
You may want to think about researching bushido and the geographic features that are in japan.