Thursday, March 1, 2012

Asssassin Order Blog #2

Database 1:

• Assassins were allies with Saladin, a leader who won over jureusalem during a crusade.
• After an assassination the assassins waited for the target's guards to kill them, instead of escaping
• Created fear by doing assassinations in public
• Allies with crusaders because of common enemies, not religion
• Assassins changed the Isma'ili doctrine so that assassination was a part of the religion
Terms for areas:
• Alamut: One of the fortress and training grounds for most assassins
• Aleppo: Assassins were given land in Syria by seljuq, the ruler of Aleppo, where they became in control.

Did the assassins stay allies with the crusaders/catholics after the crusades even with different relegions?
How much control was created from allies, and how much was taken over?