Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life as a P.O.W.
By: John F. Wukovits

-Japanese showed no mercy to prisoners
-They tourchured their captives
-Bushido was the code they follwed saying neer to surrender
-Battan Death March is an example
-Japs disowned from familiy if they surendered
-Usually beheaded their prioners(epecaily in China)
-Japanese didnt follow the Geneva convention code about taking prisoners

In this Book, John F. Wukovits  explains that the japanese were fierce warriors and whould never surrender or take prisoners. One example that supports this main idea is the battan death march, where they killed hundreds of americans as they forced them to walk across tyhe philipines. Another fact that supports this main idea isthe code of Bushido, that made sure japanese would never surrender. Finally, the author gives the example of th ravage that they cause acroos china, killing thousands of inocent civilians to support the main idea. These ideas are Similar to the holocaust because japanese were slaughtering tens of thousands of innocnet civilians and P.O.W.s

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