Thursday, March 22, 2012

Book on Ancient Sparta

Titel- The Gymnasium of Virtue 
Author- Nigel M. Kennell
Chapter- Introduction
In this book Nigel M. Kennell explains that education was not the most important thing to sparta, but it was required. One reason/fact/example that supports this main idea is that spartans were raised to be tough and to be good soldiers. Military was the main focus in Sparta, but they clearly explain that the Children must know the basics. Another factthat supports this main idea is that military was Spartas main focus. Without a military you will be taken over. Finally, the author gives the fact that Sparta did not worry about education. These ideas are similar to ancient Rome because they worried about having a strong military more than education.

1. Education was not a priority to Sparta
2. Women get better education than men
3. Sparta and Athens rivalry over better education
4. Military came first
5. Most kids were uneducated
6. It was the parents' responsibility to educate kid until age seven
7. Only the basic acedemics were caught

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