Monday, February 27, 2012

Encyclopedia Britannica
Origins of the Holocaust

- April 1933 Jewish Businesses in Germany were boycotted and vandilized
-Group roma and the jewish were only two groups to be put in gas chamber
-Jews Fled to other European nations like palestine or United states
-November 9-10 every synagogue in germany was destroyed
-more than 90 jews were killed other injured
-Jewish man rounded up and sent to concentration camps
-Many jews died in concentration camps from overwork, Diesease or starvation

- How did these Jews get to the other Eurpean countries?
- What exactly happened in these concentration camps?
- Was this all Adolf Hitlars idea?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Greek and Roman Technology

Encyclopedia Britannica 
Greek and Roman Technology

The Greek and Romans had many technological advances during the time of their empires. Some of these advances included:
  • The wide use of iron. Iron was used for just about everything like:
    • cooking ware
    • weapons 
    • roads
    • The Romans created a public sewer system 
    • and large aqueducts
  • There were unseen dangers like lead poisoning from drinking out of lead cups.
  • All the these advances lead to the use of slaves

Friday, February 24, 2012

Illinois corruption

1. One of obama's closest aids was facing clames that he had several conversations with the governer acused of trying to sell Obama's seat in the senate.
2.John Harris, the governers aid, is also facing corruption charges.
3.Rahm Emanuel, the new white house cheif of staff, is beleived to be the unnamed "Washington-based adviser''.
4.Frontrunner-a leader of a political race.
5.Corruption-the abuse of public power, office, or resources by elected government officials for personal gain.
6.Vehemently-expressing with a strong or forceful attitude.
7.Scandal-a widely publicized allegation or set of allegations that damages (or tries to damage) the reputation of an institution, individual or greed.
8.Illinois has had several corrupt governors

1. Was the staff of president elect Obama in on the scandal with Blago?

2. Did Valerie Jarrett really get suggested for the job by Obama or was she part of the scandal to?

3. Does the Obama campain have anything to hide or not?


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Student Research Center
End of World: 2012
  • In 1997 a cult of people committed suicide because they thought a spaceship of aliens were coming
  • Calamity- A great misfortune or disaster
  • The cycles of the Mayan calender are as normal as the sun rising and setting
  • Earth's orbit makes the sun pass in front of the galactic plain, The Milky Way, twice a year, every June and December
  • This year the sun crosses the galactic plain on December 21, this is supposedly the day is supposed to end
  • Some websites claim that the sun passes right in front of the Galaxy's center, but that never happens because our planet is not tilted that way
  • Ihabitants- People who inhabit a place (make it their own), especially if it is permanent

Is this more of a scientific issue or a religious belief?

Japanese Tradition

  • Animism - The belief that all parts of nature are of divine importance
  • Shintoism is basically an animistic religion with the millions of kami that they worship
  • Shinto is based from the worship of the local spirits in nature
  • There are many worshiped deities such as the creators of the moon, stars, mountains, rivers, waterfalls, seas, wind, fire, and some animals.
  • It became the state religion after the Meiji Restoration of 1868
  • Confucianism - a system of moral ethics for social relationships, which originated in China and was introduced into Japan in the 6th century
  • This was used to arouse patriotism in Japan during WWII, but was abolished from the education system after the war
  • It is not outwardly important to Japan in current times, but it has affected the moral values of the country
What were the samurais?
What are some traditions involved with Shinto?
What are Shinto Shrines like?

History of the Marines

How do you become a Marine?
-What are the basic physical requirements?
-How does the enlistment process work?
-Do you need to have a high school education?

 I know that the marines where established in 1775. I am also aware that you are equipped with either an M16 variant rifles in basic training. I know that you go to basic training in South Carolina or California.

Artemis and Apollo



history of sparta and the war of 300

whats up guys here is an article I came across while researching read it for yourself here:
but if your in a hurry just read thoorugh these main ideas I pulled out of te article.
  • Sparta is referred to as 'the evil empire'
  • in the war of 300 the spartans held off around 200,000 persians which made 2 days for the greeks to build up thier defences
  • the spartans were trained from when they were 7 years old in the 'boot camp from hell' for 20 years(many died in the way)
  • the spartans were one of the most brave and greatest warroirs in the world.
  • even though all 300 of the spartna troops died (including the leader) they shattered the persian morale.
  • without the spartans the modern athen empire probably wouldnt exist as the persians would have destroyed the greek empire.

The History of The Marines in Vietnam

How have weopans evolved?
How has the training evolved?
What elite tactics do the USMC use to fight/defeat the enemy?
Who founded the Marines?

The Spartan Way
  • Sparta was feared by Athens
  • Sparta left a legacy that shaped the modern world
  • Sparta left very few ruins for historians to study
  • Mens jobs were to serve in the military
  • Government laws and traditions controlled Sparta
  • Boys steal when taken into the military but if caught he gets beaten and goes hungry
  • Men became full citizens at age 30
Where did the children get their education?
What was the womens role in all of this?

Why were the japanese so commited to their cause? Part 2

-Gave lives for the emporer
-Went to have to play for him
-Guns and weapons based off him
-After war japanese enraged that civil code was made
-Would do anything emporer asked (WW2)
-Japansese ravaged the land they were in as they hated everyone who was agenst them
-Japan went after China because ofd their hated of them and their belifs
-What made them hate china?
-Why would they go after the U.S?

Roman Military Training

Things that I found interesting;
  • Focused mostly on gymnactics and swimming for their strength and agility training
  • Would practice with with armatura, which were wooden weapons to master for close combat
  • Would run long distances with all their armor on, so they would be able to in battle
  • They would practice fighting with one another, and would stab each other as hard as they could (with wooden weapons)
  • At the beginning of the Roman Republic, most soldiers were big, strong, but slow, and later on, they relized this and trained them more with agility than strength
  • The best recruits were alway sent to the front lines when they finished training
  • After they completed their training, they were assigned to a legion, which would branch of and of into smaller groups 
Questions that I still have:
  • How were the ranks organized? Was it like in today's military, like general and stuff?

-Japanese thoght emporer is God

-Being captured was the worst sin

-Killing themsleve to protect the homeland was the most honor a family could get

-Banzi attacks to honor the emporer

-Americans touching their soil would bring the ultimate shame to their country.

-Japanese devoted to protect the emporer

-Would never give up and kill themselves as they "Surrendered"

-How did them come to love their emporer?

-Why did the japanese kill themselves like so?

-Who was the emporer?


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Article notes

Article notes
Jeremy Bengal 6/7

  • During the 17th century military small arms were put through many design changes in order to have a more powerful and lighter portable weapon
  • During the 16th century the weapon of choice was the musket which due to its power made heavy armor a wasted extra weight since the armour was no longer effective and without the use of heavy armour the heavy musket became added weight so they made smaller lighter versions
  • Around the time when the flintlock musket was created mass production was put into effect allowing large armies to use them
  • In France muskets were not seasily available until 1717, when the government made a specified version of the musket that had a 47-inch barrel and a  .69 inch caliber
  • After the Seven Years War the Model 1763 was introduced by the french with a stronger lock and shorter barrel length that remained standard to the end of the century
  • the Model 1777 had been made with improved production echniques that would have the option of exchanging parts this allowed the production of cheaper and easier to repair muskets
  • Although this was a big step forward for france the production of this fire arm was to late to play a role in the napoleanic wars

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Holocaust part II~ Honour

- 1933 Nazi Party took control of Germany
-world war II decided to kill as many jews as possible
-took lives of 6 million jewish men, women and children
- Nazis also killed Roma (Gypsies), homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled people, and anyone who dared to speak out against them
-1933 Adolf Hitler ordered acts of semitism many jews lost jobs
-1939 jews couldn't attend school nor own businesses had to wear badges
- some people hid jews so they wouldn't go to concentration camp
-many died of posioness gas or bodies were burned others were kept as slaves and died of starvation

1) How come other countries didn't help untill after the war?
2) Were all people that were hidden found?
3) What caused Hitlers hatred for jews?

Shintoism and Japanese Folklore

  • Shintoism = A Religion Native to Japan
  • Shinto translates to "Way of The Gods"
  • It was the official religion of Japan from the late 19th century until 1945, but many people in Japan still follow it, even though it does not actively seek new members
  • It acts more as a reflection of Japanese culture and history to which beliefs of folklore are added
  • Shinto's main belief, much like hinduism, is to live in harmony with all things
  • Kami = The Gods of Shintoism
  • Kami translates to "Spirits of Nature" or "Life Forces"
  • Since many people in Japan follow Buddhism, there are many people that are mainly Buddhist or Shintoist, but they practice some aspects of the other, so it's hard to count the number of Shintoists.  They are estimated to be between 3.3% and 40% of the Japanese population.  There is an estimated 4 million followers, making it the worlds 15th largest religion.

Who are some of the important Kami of Shintoism?
How does one practice Shintoism?
How has Shintoism changed over the years?

Roman Tactics


1.) thermopylae- A pass between the mountains and the sea in Greece
2.) Javelin- A spear that you throw at someone. Its about 2 meters long.
3.) War is almost always fought over for something that neither side will give up.
4.) Almost all war is fought over greed
5.) Many of the most powerful armies on Earth today follow what the Roman's did.

1.) Why were the Roman's so bloodthirsty?
2.) How can the Roman tactics of war still work if their over a thousand years old?

backround on sparta

  • Sparta was known for their strong military
  • They beleived that every person that was born there belonged to the state
  • The elders of the city-state would inspect the newborn infants and take the weak or unhealthy ones to be carried to a nearby chasm and left to die to ensure that only the physically fit would survive
  • The children that would live were brought up with severe discipline
  • At age seven the boys would be removed from their parents and home and would be taught to be tough by putting them in harsh enviorments
  • all male Sparatan citizens between ages 20 and 60 served in the army and could marry, but belonged to the military
  • Sparta was ruled by two kings jointly they served as high preists and as leaders of war
1) what was the womens role in Sparta
2) how would money fit in with all this military
3) what is the main religion in sparta

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The y2k threat turned out to be fake just like this will be

This started when the planet Nibiru was supposedly headed towards the earth

The Mayan calender does end on December 21,2012, but a new period of the Mayan Calender starts after that

A reversal of the rotation of the Earth is impossible

The NASA scientists have found there are no asteroids as big as the one that had to do with the extinction of dinasaurs coming soon

The NASA scientists feel the false accusations of the world ending are wrong because there is no science behind it

The solar storms are predicted in the 2012-2014 but are going to be normal and nothing special

What are the facts it is going to happen?
What are the Mayan views on this?
Does the world ending have to do with science?

How did one man cause the Holocaust?

How did one man cause the holocaust?
Did any people protest against the Holocaust?
Why didn't other countries help the Jewish people?
Was only Jewish people killed during the Holocaust?

This is what i already know about the Holocaust.. that Adolf Hitlar was the leader and turned almost everyone against the Jewish people. Also that they would take the jewish people to concentration camps and most of them died in these camps or got out alive but with a experience they will never forget. But I want to know how this Adolf hitlar got all these people to be against one race of people. Also what would they do to the people that tried to stand up to adolf?

Why is the world supposed to end in 2012?

What facts support it is going to end?
What facts prove that it isn't going to happen?
Does the Mayan calender support this, or is this just another prediction?
If the world does end, will it be a natural disaster, or just fate?

I know that the Mayan calender ends on that day. I know that there could be some natural disasters such as solar flare.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What kind of technology was used during WWII?

As for guns, the standard rifles were either bolt action, (i.e. Springfield) or semi-automatic (i.e. M1 Garand). There were also some submachine guns and machine guns to.

1. How did it evolve during the war?
There were new guns going into development.
The communication was greatly improved on the battle field.
The planes were much more reliable and had more fire-power.
Submarines came into play and were actually effective.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Differences between the current weapons and the weapons of the past

Main question
Differences between the current weapons and the weapons of the past

Sub questions
how have weapons progressed through time
What is the difference in destructive power
Difference in efficiency
Materials and cost for production
Overall impact at the time of creation

Current knowledge

What I currently know about my topic is that the atomic bomb had a massive impact and the cold war was a race to see who could build the most nukes between the soviet union and the US.  I also know that the efficiency of the origional muskets vs. todays weapons isn't even a competition.

past government conspiracys.

government scandals and conspircy problems.

what were they?
were they ever proven?
How many scandels are happening every year?

what I know so far about this topic is that there have been several scandals over the years.  I am looking into what there was in the way of problems within the government.  the biggest thing i know of is the watergate scandal and that is what i am going to focas on for the most of this project.

What happened to the Assassin Order?

How did the assassins effect modern day?

What did the mongols have against assassins?

Has the Assassin Order effected any other cultures?

What is the causes of wars like WW1

  • What countries started WW1?
  • Could the wars have been solved peacefully?
  • Could the many deaths of the war been prevented?

How did 300 Spartans defeat thousands of persians?

how did only 300 spartans slay thousands of persians?
what strategies did they use?
what weapons did they use?
how skilled were the spartans?

What Are The Traditions And Mythology of Japan Like?

1.  What are the most important deities of their folklore?
2.  What traditions do people follow?
3.  How has the mythology of Japan affected popular culture?
4.  What traditions are still upheld today?  What aren't?

What was it like to live in the Greek and Roman empires?

  • Why did the Greek and Roman Empires rise and fall?
  • What weapons did the empires use?
  • What was culture like during these times?
  • What was the political systems for these empires? 
  • What were these empires like before they fell?
What I already know about this topic is that the roman and greeks did alot of fighting.

how did Sparta beat the Persians

What weapons did Sparta use against the Persians?
What was Spartas plan to beat the Persians?
how many Spartans were there?

Some things I already know about Sparta is that they had all odds against them in the war against the Persians. They were not very friendly or peaceful. They were all very strong and fit. Sparta is next to Athens. Sparta is a city-state. Sparta had a very limited supply of men in the military. They were like barbarians and were very hard workers.

Why were the Japanese were so devoted to the war?

I will be studying why the Japanese were so devoted to the war and willing to kill themselves before surrender. I will figure this out by studying how ther cultutre related to the war. With their guns,ships,and overall outake on life.

I already know a lot about World War 2 and the Pafic Theatre. I know that many U.S. marines were killed because of the Japs fierce Fighting style.

Leonardo da Vinci

How did Leonardo da Vinci affect the world?
How did da Vinci compare to other renicance men?
How did da Vinci change the way people thought?
What did da Vinci do and how did he do it different?
What did people think of da Vinci when he first became famous?
He did not affect the world until hundreds of years after his death and at that point it did not affect much. His designs were very advanced for his time. He did not change the way people thought because his designs were never published. He was a painter sculptor architect, engineer, inventor, and much more. He did not become famous during his lifetime.

How did the renaissance shape Shakespeare?

  1. Who/what gave Shakespeare his ideas for most his plays?

  2. What was the lifestyles of the renaissance?

  3. What was economy like then?

  4. How did his personal life affect his writing?

  5. What is the meaning behind Shakespeare's punctuation, capitalization and odd writing styles?

  6. Who could possibly not love Shakespeare?????? :D

How were the Roman's able to conquer so much?

What weapons did the Roman's use?
How did they build there weapons?
Where did they come up with the ideas for the weapons?

Things that I already know about Rome?
They had one of the biggest empires and republics that ever exsisted. They were once a republic and then became an empire. Many empires came together and slowly destroyed the empire. The first emperor was Octavian. Julius Cesear was muredered by a bunch of senaters in the senate hall.


1.) thermopylae- A pass between the mountains and the sea in Greece
2.) Javelin- A spear that you throw at someone. Its about 2 meters long.
3.) War is almost always fought over for something that neither side will give up.
4.) Almost all war is fought over greed
5.) Many of the most powerful armies on Earth today follow what the Roman's did.

1.) Why were the Roman's so bloodthirsty?
2.) How can the Roman tactics of war still work if their over a thousand years old?