Tuesday, February 21, 2012

backround on sparta


  • Sparta was known for their strong military
  • They beleived that every person that was born there belonged to the state
  • The elders of the city-state would inspect the newborn infants and take the weak or unhealthy ones to be carried to a nearby chasm and left to die to ensure that only the physically fit would survive
  • The children that would live were brought up with severe discipline
  • At age seven the boys would be removed from their parents and home and would be taught to be tough by putting them in harsh enviorments
  • all male Sparatan citizens between ages 20 and 60 served in the army and could marry, but belonged to the military
  • Sparta was ruled by two kings jointly they served as high preists and as leaders of war
1) what was the womens role in Sparta
2) how would money fit in with all this military
3) what is the main religion in sparta